Minggu, 02 September 2012

Google Adwords Support

The function of Google AdWords is to provide the generally effectual advertising unfilled pro businesses of one size. AdWords provides a digit of repayment which include:

A. Reaching public looking pro your manufactured goods or service
B. Allowing you to fully control your public notice financial statement
C. Giving you the skill to straightforwardly create and edit your ads
D. The functionality which allows you to think it over your ads on Google surrounded by minutes of creating them

AdWords gives you boundless access to detailed performance reports with the intention of help track the effectiveness of your online advertising campaigns. Additionally, Google provides the generally knowledgeable customer service doable. You can expect a timely response to your email questions, ordinarily surrounded by a single affair time or instantly through their online list of often asked questions

The answer repayment of using AdWords include:

1. Control. With all the splendid facial appearance a Google AdWords tab provides, the generally beneficial is the skill to fully make to order your online advertising. Google offers you many options such as; Cost-per-click (CPC) pricing, so you shell out single pro the clicks you've expected by a fee you've fit; Cost-per-impression (CPM) pricing on the content arrangement pro persons who rather to shell out by the impression; Daily financial statement you fit; Targeted ads you create and deal with; Ad scheduling: Run your ads on the days and hours you aspire; Performance reports 24/7 online in your tab; Advertising arrangement of sites and products pro increased public notice exposure.

With thumbs down monthly smallest costs limit or calculate stanchness and single a smallest fee to fit up your tab, Google AdWords is the ideal marketing tool pro one sized businesses.

2. Success. Google relies on it's advertisers to be thriving. The more you aid AdWords, the more revenue they generate. And of way, you must single take up again using online advertising if you are considering a clear return on your investment. Equally a upshot, Google provides you with cost estimations and tools to help you control pricing and constantly public notice facial appearance to share could you repeat that? Makes AdWords advertising bring about.

3. Support. Google has made a skilled job of as long as support to all of their advertisers. They be inflicted with produced an online Help Center to get on to guaranteed you benefit from the tools they provide and to produce you the flexibility of scheming your own tab. You'll discover the Help Center to the top with helpful curriculum in rank, performance tips, and step-by-step directions pro creating and maintaining a Google AdWords tab.

If you're unable to discover could you repeat that? You need on the Google AdWords locate, or via Google webmaster tools, the customer support team can provide you with the detailed answer to your questions and offer bonus assistance.

For somebody interested in making money online, Google AdWords is a splendid place to start. This is since they are the generally standard and widely used. Equally a upshot, many of the questions you might be inflicted with - thumbs down topic how unique your circumstance be inflicted with probably already been answered through the online resource focal point or as calling a Google AdWords expressive.

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Erotica for women

Erotica for women - Erotic romance novels and short stories for women are becoming extremely popular for both sexes. The Black Lace series, for example, are very well written and their popularity is encouraging more. Although reading is generally a solitary activity, sharing snippets of the storyline can be enough to draw your lover into the fantasy with you. Short erotic stories for couples are also available that can be read out loud to each other. Collections of sexual fantasies are available to inspire your own or reassure yourself that others have similar thoughts. Nancy Friday's books include a broad range of fantasies from men and women. And of course, there are magazines with letters depicting erotic activities and sexual adventures. Whether real or professionally written, these stories can be entertaining either way.

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Gunung Berapi Rinjani

Gunung Berapi Rinjani yang terletak di Pulau Lombok di Indonesia merupakan gunung berapi yang kedua tertinggi di Indonesia setelah Gunung Kerinci di Sumatera. Ketinggian Gunung Kerinci 3,805 meter, sedangkan ketinggian Gunung Rinjani 3,726 meter di atas permukaan laut.

Gunung Berapi Rinjani terletak pada lintang 8º25" S dan 116º28" T, merupakan gunung favorit bagi pendaki-pendaki di Indonesia kerana keindahan pemandangannya. Gunung ini terletak di Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani yang memiliki luas sekitar 41,330 hektar merupakan salah satu tempat terindah wisata di Lombok.

Sejarah Letusan

1. 10 - 12 September 1847
2. 8 - 10 Agustus 1884 (+/- 1 hari)
3. 30 November - 2 Desember 1900
4. 1 - 2 Jun 1901
5. 29 April 1906 - ?
6. 30 November - 2 Desember 1909
7. 4 November 1915 - ?
8. 30 Mei 1941
9. 25 Desember 1943 - 1 Januari 1944
10. 1949 - 1950
11. 15 Oktober 1953 +/- 45 hari
12. September 1965 - ?
13. 28 Maret 1966 - 8 Agustus 1966
14. 3 Jun - 21 November 1994
15. September 1995
16. 1 - 5 Oktober 2004

Alam Rinjani

Daerah hutan di Gunung Rinjani termasuk hutan jenis heterogen dan homogen pada daerah daerah-daerah tertentu. Sekitar ketinggian 1000 sampai 2000 (atas laut) dapat ditemui jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan seperti Beringin (Ficus superb), Garu (Dysoxylum sp), Bayur, dan areal perkebunan penduduk yang ditanami sayur-sayuran seperti kentang, cabe, kol, juga bawang. trus sekitar ketinggian 2000 sampe 3000 mulai banyak pohon-pohon cemara Gunung (Casuarina junghuniana). Sampai ketinggian 3000 ke atas cuma terdapat jenis rumput-rumputan dan edelweiss/bunga abadi.

Yang paling eksotis di Rinjani adalah danau Segare Anak (Segare artinya Laut dan Anak artinya anak) yang terbentuk secara vulkanik akibat letusan Gunung Rinjani. Masyarakat menyebutnya segara/laut karena warna air danau ini adalah biru seperti laut. Danau ini terletak di ketinggian 2800 M, terdapat banyak ikan maupun flora fauna lainnya. Ikan-ikan yang banyak terdapat di danau ini adalah ikan mas, mujair dan ikan harper.

Kabarnya pendakian tim pendaki dari Astacala berhasil menombak ikan mas seberat 3,5 kg. Danau Segara Anak oleh masyarakat sekitar dipercaya mempunyai keajaiban yang dapat menyembuhkan penyakit, juga untuk pemujaan mendapatkan benda-benda yang sakti. Di dekat Danau Segara Anak terdapat gunung kecil yang disebut Gunung Baru jari (gunung baru jadi/new mount). Jarang orang yang bisa ke puncak Gunung Baru tersebut walaupun menurut informasi sudah ada jalur menuju kesana, mungkin hal ini disebabkan karena Gunung Baru tersebut masih aktif dan mengeluarkan gas.

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Cara Kerja GPS

GPS atau Global Positioning System dalam pengertian sederhana adalah salah satu sistem yang akan membantu kita untuk mengetahui posisi kita berada saat ini. GPS bekerja dengan menstransmisikan sinyal dari satelit ke perangkat GPS (handphone atau Blackberry yang dilengkapi teknologi GPS misalnya). Untuk memperoleh detil posisi yang seakurat mungkin, GPS sebaiknya digunakan di ruang terbuka Penggunaan GPS di dalam ruangan, hutan ataupun di tempat yang banyak gedung-gedung tinggi, akan membuat GPS bekerja kurang akurat.

Informasi GPS ditransmisikan oleh beberapa satelit (tiga satelit misalnya) sehingga GPS receiver mampu mengkalkulasi dan menampilkan seakurat mungkin posisi, kecepatan dan informasi waktu kepada pengguna GPS.
Teknologi GPS pertama kali digunakan oleh United States Departement of Defense (DOD) untuk kebutuhan militer. Sistem GPS mulai digunakan sejak tahun 1980, namun pemakaian secara umum oleh publik baru sekira tahun 1990-an.
Keistimewaan GPS adalah mampu bekerja dalam berbagai kondisi cuaca, siang atau malam. Keakuratan sebuah perangkat GPS bisa mencapai 15 meter, bahkan model terbaru yang dilengkapi teknologi Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) keakuratannya sampai 3 meter.
Jika handphone, blackberry atau mungkin Motorola Milestrone / Droid anda telah dilengkapi dengan fitur GPS, maka anda bisa melihat posisi anda berada saat ini di maps (Google Maps, misalnya), bahkan anda bisa menentukan berapa lama perjalanan anda dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain, terus anda juga bisa mengukur berapa kecepatan kendaraan anda, dan tentunya anda juga diberi petunjuk jalan yang mesti dilalui, berapa liter bensin yang dibutuhkan untuk anda bisa sampai ketujuan. Ada berbagai banyak manfaat yang bisa anda peroleh dari GPS di handphone anda, apalagi dengan dukungan berbagai aplikasi, yang tentunya bisa memudahkan anda dalam menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari.

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Trigonometri Kelas 10

Berikut ringkasan materi trigonometri kelas 10 :

Radians - an Alternative Measure for Angle

math expression
In science and engineering, radians are much more convenient (and common) than degrees. A radian is defined as the angle between 2 radii (radiuses) of a circle where the arc between them has length of one radius.
Another way of putting it is: "a radian is the angle subtended by an arc of length r (the radius)".
One radian is about 57.
Radians are especially useful in calculus where we want to interchange angles and other quantities (e.g. length). For example, see how radians are required in Fourier Series. That stuff won't work if we try to use degrees.
Most computer programs use radians as the default.
Care with your calculator! Make sure your calculator is set to radians when you are making radian calculations.
Also, see this simple introduction to radians with an interactive graph.

Converting Degrees to Radians

Because the circumference of a circle is given by C = 2πr and one revolution of a circle is 360°, it follows that:
radians = 360°.
This gives us the important result:
π radians = 180°
From this we can convert:
radians → degrees and
degrees → radians.


sin(a + b)  = sin a cos b + cos a sin b
cos(a + b) = cos a cos b - sin a sin b
tg(a + b )   = tg a + tg b
                 1 - tg2a

(a - b)

sin(a - b)  = sin a cos b - cos a sin b
cos(a - b) = cos a cos b + sin a sin b
tg(a - b )   = tg a - tg b
                 1 + tg2a


sin 2
a  = 2 sin a cos a
cos 2
a = cos2a - sin2 a
= 2 cos2
a - 1
= 1 - 2 sin2
tg 2
a  =  2 tg 2a 
            1 - tg2
a cos a = ½ sin 2a
a = ½(1 + cos 2a)
a  = ½ (1 - cos 2a)

Secara umum :

sin n
a  = 2 sin ½na cos ½na
cos n
a = cos2 ½na - 1
= 2 cos2 ½n
a - 1
= 1 - 2 sin2 ½n
tg n
a =   2 tg ½na  
           1 - tg2 ½n



a + sin b   = 2 sin a + b    cos a - b
                                2              2
a - sin b   = 2 cos a + b    sin a - b
                                2             2
a + cos b = 2 cos a + b    cos a - b
                                 2              2
a + cos b = - 2 sin a + b   sin a - b
                                  2             2


2 sin
a cos b = sin (a + b) + sin (a - b)
2 cos
a sin b = sin (a + b) - sin (a - b)
2 cos
a cos b = cos (a + b) + cos (a - b)
- 2 sin a cos b = cos (a + b) - sin (a - b)


Bentuk a cos x + b sin x

Merubah bentuk a cos x + b sin x ke dalam bentuk K cos (x -

a cos x + b sin x = K cos (x-
dengan :                     
             K = Öa2 + b2 dan tg a = b/a Þ a = ... ?

Kuadran dari a ditentukan oleh kombinasi tanda a dan b sebagai berikut

keterangan :
a = koefisien cos x
b = koefisien sin x 

Sumber : http://bebas.ui.ac.id/v12/sponsor/Sponsor-Pendamping/Praweda/Matematika/0430%20Mat%203-1g.htm


Senin, 26 Desember 2011

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